Glowing Jesus was found in my friends antique store. It came from a Funeral Home in Rhode Island. What a strange state. At least it's not made out of Chocolate.
Glowing Jesus
Daily Pics
Glowing Jesus was found in my friends antique store. It came from a Funeral Home in Rhode Island. What a strange state. At least it's not made out of Chocolate.
Glowing Jesus
My wife sells candles on here site Ooh La La Petite Boutique, and for the last few weeks we have been going to Greenpoint a lot to buy supplies but also to sell to a few stores there. I saw this place one night and fell in love with the old signs. Their is something I love about taking photos of Laundromats.
Wash and Dry
An Old Schoolhouse in Connecticut. Ever since I started making Platinum Prints, I have really learned a lot about tones and subtlety. I used to crank things up to 11, but now I have more of an appreciation for a full and subtle tonal range.
Connecticut Schoolhouse
I don't remember when I took this, but it must have been a long time ago because I took it with the Digital Medium Format Camera I used to use. Obviously it is not a Blockbuster with only two people there. I believe this is in the Bronx
Blockbuster Video
A small little shack next to a really cool antique store where I bought a old dynamite box, without the dynamite of course in Mystic, Connecticut.
Antique Shack necxt to the sotre Mine in Mystic Connecticut
Ok ok so I have been negligent on posting new pictures, but I was away for a short trip to Mystic Connecticut with my wife. We like Antiques a lot and so we went looking for new stuff. We also visited my friend in Rhode Island who owns an antique store and we also went to Boston. It was the first time for Eni and she loved it.
As a photographer and an artist, my work often tends to be about political or heavy topics which brings me to my next point. Sometimes while traveling I allow myself to take photos that do not always fit into that style. I think as an artist sometimes it is good to let the art world, which can be pretentious, fade back and allow yourself to take travel photos. Ones that are not always about some deep topics. That is not to say they cannot be great or serious. One just needs to look at Robert Franks "The Americans", but one that allows you to see things that you may not ordinarily see if I was thinking of photos that are more socially or politically based. That is what these blog posts have really been about. Sometimes doing the more heavy topics can take a lot out of you and you may need to recharge your batteries on something more basic. Sometimes these little side projects can lead to bigger and better ideas.
A country road in Connecticut
HSE 11 FL 5, Greenpoint Brooklyn
Closed doors don't always stop you
People Leaving Drinks
Through the Fabric of a NYC street